Monday, February 18, 2008

Word of the Week - 2-18-2008

Word of the Week
Pronunciation: \ahd-ˈven-chuhr-suhm\
Function: adjective
Date: circa 1731
: inclined to take risks : venturesome

Interesting Fact
As millions around the world dress to go to work each day or to go out for the evening, most probably do not realize that a major accessory of their wardrobe originated in Croatia. The necktie, or kravata, is Croatia's contribution to the world of fashion. The use of the necktie in Croatia dates back to as early as the mid-1600s. During the European Thirty Year War (1618-1648), Croatian soldiers were also drawn into battle and sent to fight in various regions of Europe. At that time, the traditional Croatian military dress included a scarf tied around the neck in a manner which is very similar to the style in which the necktie is worn today. The word "'cravat" is derived from the word “Croat” and neckties are descended from what those Croatians wore. Because some Croatian soldiers were stationed in Paris, this "Croatian style" greatly impressed their French counterparts. French men adopted this new fashion during the reign of Louis XIV and referred to it as "a la Croate". Eventually, it became known by the French word "cravate".

Trivial Pursuit

Here are the questions:
Global View (Geography):
What eastern U.S. state’s town of Bradford is the epicenter of National Zippo Day festivities?

What pint-sized mini-rapper titled his debut album Beware of Dog?

What politician’s mom sent reporters care packages that included Tylenol, lip balm and Manishewitz bagel chips, in 2000?

Written Word:
What illustrator, famed for restyling Spider-Man, left Marvel to spawn Image comics?

Life & Science:
What DVD was the first to baost a “Revoice Studio” so viewers could sub their own voices for those of Cameron Diaz and Mike Myers?

Games & Sports:
Who was the first player to have a Padres logo on his plaque in the Baseball Hall of Fame?

And here are last week’s answers:
Global View (Geography):
What Bavarian city is said to have five seasons: spring, summer, fall, winter and Oktoberfest? Munich

What’s the name of the Animal Planet’s effusive Crocodile Hunter? Steve Irwin

What cult flick did Ronald Reagan screen at Camp David while hosting a birthday party for Michael Deaver’s young daughter? Bedtime for Bonzo

Written Word:
What cartoonist routinely depicted Ronald Reagan as Max Headroom clone Ron Headrest? Garry Trudeau

Life & Science:
What surgery is the only sure way to end male pattern baldness, according to the book Hair! Man’s Historic Quest to End Baldness? castration

Games & Sports:
What tennis star was forced to do sit-ups in her crib, according to her proud dad Stefano? Jennifer Capriati

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