Monday, March 10, 2008

Word of the Week - 3-10-2008

Word of the Week
Pronunciation: \suhr-ˈsēs, ˈsuhr-ˌ\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): sur•ceased; sur•ceas•ing
Etymology: Middle English sursesen, surcesen, from Anglo-French surceser, alteration of surseer, surseoir, from Latin supersedēre
Date: 15th century
intransitive verb: to desist from action; also : to come to an end : CEASE
transitive verb: to put an end to : DISCONTINUE

Function: noun
Date: 1586
: CESSATION; especially : a temporary respite or end

Interesting Fact
Champagne was actually invented by the English.
The first commercial sparkling wine was produced in the Limoux area of Languedoc about 1535. Around 1700, sparkling Champagne, as we know it today, was born. English scientist and physician Christopher Merret documented a second fermentation by the addition of sugar at least 30 years before the work of Dom Perignon who, contrary to legend and popular belief, did not invent sparkling wine. Merrett presented the Royal Society with a paper in which he detailed what is now called méthode champenoise in 1662.

Trivial Pursuit
Here are the questions:
Global View (Geography):
What museum began asking visitors for donations in 1993, for the first time in its 147-year history?

What hip-hop hero was dubbed “the bard of spousal abuse” by Time magazine?

What parlors did Cambodia’s prime minister declare war on in December 2001, warning he’d use tanks to flatten them if necessary?

Written Word:
What New Age pundit did Time magazine call “the poet-prophet of alternative medicine”?

Life & Science:
What critter’s cells were used to create the first Bio-Artifical Liver, designed as a temporary organ for someone waiting for a transplant?

Games & Sports:
What Whose 1993 death from AIDS inspired Magic Johnson to note: “His loss is a loss for all of us”?

Here are last week’s answers:
Global View (Geography):
What province’s Potala palace did China spruce up with one ton of gold in a $12 million renovation? Tibet

What oft-imitated MTV series showcased the dumb stunts of Johnny Knoxville? Jackass

Who told TV viewers to “read a newspaper” for more details after a 2001 presidential address, much to the dismay of Dan Rather

Written Word:
What comic strip is populated by legionnaires named Maggot, Figowitz and Captain Poulet? Crock

Life & Science:
Whose hits did Britain’s National Sea Life Center pipe into the pool, in their first attempt to put celibate tope sharks in the mood for love? Barry White

Games & Sports:
What storied ballpark’s last big-league pitch was hurled by Todd Jones, on September 27, 1999? Tiger Stadium

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