Monday, October 20, 2008

Word of the Week - 10-20-2008

Word of the Week
Pronunciation: \ˈgee-zuhr\
Function: noun
Etymology: probably alteration of Scots guiser one in disguise
Date: 1885
: a queer, odd, or eccentric person —used especially of elderly men
— gee·zer·hood noun

Interesting Fact
The word hello has sometimes been credited to Thomas Edison, specifically as a way to greet someone when answering the telephone. Alexander Graham Bell initially used Ahoy-hoy (as used on ships) as a telephone greeting. However, in 1877, Edison wrote to T.B.A. David, the president of the Central District and Printing Telegraph Company of Pittsburgh:
“Friend David, I do not think we shall need a call bell as Hello! can be heard 10 to 20 feet away. What you think? Edison

By 1889, central telephone exchange operators were known as 'hello-girls' due to the association between the greeting and the telephone.

Trivial Pursuit
Here are this week’s questions:
Global View (Geography):
What Mideast nation hopes to lure tourists to its town of Jerash by staging daily chariot races?

What was the first Star Trek series without “Star Trek” in its title?

How old was “Granny D” Haddock when she walked 3,200 miles across America to promote campaign finance reform – 70, 80, or 90?

Written Word:
What sage soothed listeners with his audio book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success?

Life and Science:
What “100 percent pure” product did Byrd Laboratories sell to concerned job-seekers for $49.95 a bag, in 1986?

Games and Sports:
How many years did Michael Jordan sit home at playoff time in his 13 seasons with the Bulls?

Here are last week’s answers:
Global View (Geography):
What mid town Manhattan eatery did Tom Wolfe call “the Versailles of American corporate culture”? The Four Seasons

What band was mistakenly billed as “The V2s” and “VR” in its early days? U2

What Michigan island’s carriage horses have too many harness sores and are poorly shod, according to the U.S. Humane Society? Mackinac Island

Written Word:
What Scott Turow sequel stirs up the personal life of the DA from Presumed Innocent? The Burden of Proof

Life and Science:
What can concerned parents try to prevent by remembering the offbeat rhyme: “Now you lay me down to sleep, on my back for safest sleep”? SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Games and Sports:
Who took exception when Vanity Fair asked if he had “the smallest jockstrap in wrestling”? The Rock

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