Monday, November 17, 2008

Word of the Week - 11-17-2008

Word of the Week
Pronunciation: \ˌteh-muh-ˈrehr-ee-uhs\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin temerarius, from temere
Date: 1532
: marked by temerity : rashly or presumptuously daring

Interesting Fact
The crack of a whip is actually the sound of the whip breaking the sound barrier.

Trivial Pursuit
Here are this week’s questions:
Global View (Geography):
What West Cost U.S. city attracts the faithful to pay homage to Eric Clapton’s guitar, Brownie?

What Mystery! Sleuth finally revealed his first name to be Endeavour?

What Edvard Munch painting was stolen from Oslo’s National Art Museum in 1994, on the first day of the Lillehammer Olympics?

Written Word:
What Intel boss penned Swimming Across, about escaping the Iron Curtain for America?

Life and Science:
What European nation admitted to vaccinating children with the livestock vaccine Tribovax instead of it human equivalent Trivax?

Games and Sports:
What much-traveled sportscaster once earned a $25,000 signing bonus to regrow his moustache?

Here are last week’s answers:
Global View (Geography):
What state loses the highest percentage of men to heart disease – Florida, Iowa, or Mississippi? Mississippi

What series co-creator supplied the voice for Seifeld’s Bubble Boy? Larry David

What leader’s wife, Mira Markovich, jumped to her captive hubby’s defense in 2001 with: “I still find him cute and likable”? Slobodan Milosevic

Written Word:
What Dr. Ruth Westheimer book spawned the follow-up Rekindling Romance for Dummies? Sex for Dummies

Life and Science:
What mythical animals can be grown by surgically altering a week-old goat, according to a procedure outlined in U.S. patent 4429685? Unicorns

Games and Sports:
What nation boasted 10,000 citizens playing pro soccer for teams around the world, in 2000? Brazil

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