Monday, May 19, 2008

Word of the Week - 5-19-2008

Word of the Week
Pronunciation: \swohrd\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sweard, swearth skin, rind; akin to Middle High German swart skin, hide
Date: 15th century
1 : a portion of ground covered with grass
2 : the grassy surface of land

Interesting Fact
Duck sauce is another name for Plum Sauce. The name "duck sauce" comes from the fact that Western Chinese restaurants began serving it with the pancakes that go with Peking Duck, under the mistaken impression that this was an authentic practice. (In China, Peking Duck is traditionally served with hoisin sauce).

Trivial Pursuit
Here are the questions:
Global View (Geography):
What 300 ton golden symbol caps Tokyo’s Asahi Beer Hall – a beer can, a flame, or a sheaf of wheat?

What portly prognosticator did rotund Al Roker replace on The Today Show?

What Pennsylvania institution changed its name to Arcadia University in 2001, after web filters began blocking its old moniker?

Written Word:
What novelist published his first book, The Boo, while still a student at the Citadel?

Life & Science: What internet “personality” retired in 2001, asking to be remembered “wherever there’s a badly dressed celebrity or an over-inflated ego”?

Games & Sports:
What nickname did John Thompson suggest in lieu of “Air Jordan” for the 38-year-old’s return?

Here are last week’s answers:
Global View (Geography):
What international sports event is traditionally accompanied by a truce called the “ekecheiria”? The Olympics

What boxer was nominated for a Grammy in 2001 for Best Latin Pop Album? Oscar De La Hoya

Who ignored the Vatican’s celibacy vow by marrying Archbishop Emmanual Milingo to Maria Sung in a mass ceremony in New York? Sun Myung Moon

Written Word:
What late, great naval novelist wrote 20 novels about Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin? Patrick O’Brian

Life & Science: Who clicked the e-mail send button for the first time, to send Ecclesia in Oceania to followers around the world, in November 2001? Pope Joh Paul II

Games & Sports:
Who was the first NHL goalie to win over 200 regular-season games with two different teams?
Patrick Roy

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