Monday, May 5, 2008

Word of the Week - 5-6-2008

Word of the Week
Pronunciation: \uh-kyu-uh-tee, a-\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural acu·ities
Etymology: Middle English acuite acridity, from Middle French acuité, from Medieval Latin acuitat-, acuitas, from Latin acuere
Date: 1543
: keenness of perception : sharpness

Interesting Fact
Clarence Hailey Long, a ranch foreman in the Texas Panhandle, was the inspiration for the original Marlboro Man advertising campaign by Philip Morris

Trivial Pursuit
Here are the questions:
Global View (Geography):
What sleepy Spanish fishing village did Prince Alfonso von Hohenlohe turn into a jet-set mecca?

What was the first album in history to reach number one in 34 nations?

What 32-year-old did AOL’s board briefly remove as CEO in 1992 because they thought investors might consider him too young?

Written Word:
What East European nation’s hot sci-fi magazine of the 1980s was called Fantastyka?

Life & Science: What percent of men taking anti-depressants experienced sexual dysfunction, in Dr. Anita Clayton’s 2001 study – 17, 37, or 57 percent?

Games & Sports:
What nation’s baseball hall of fame includes Zoilo Versalles, Minnie Minoso and Tony Oliva?

Here are last week’s answers:
Global View (Geography):
What Asian nation passed the U.S. in the 1990s as the world’s biggest consumer of gold jewelry? China

Who got to ad-lib ad nauseam as the voice of the genie in Aladdin? Robin Williams

What religeous leader was the only U.S. resident to appear on every Gallup Poll of Most Admired Men in the 1980s and 1990s? Billy Graham

Written Word:
Whose story Gertrude McFuzz did Robert Kapilow turn into a children’s musical work? Dr. Suess

Life & Science: What European automaker rolled out 60,000 of its A2 model in 1999, billing it as the world’s first volume production aluminum car? Audi

Games & Sports:
Who became the oldest man in major league history to blast an All-Star Game homer, in 2001?
Cal Ripkin Jr.

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