Monday, June 23, 2008

Word of the Week - 6-23-2008

Word of the Week
Pronunciation: \sham-ˈpān\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English champaine, from Anglo-French champaigne, from Late Latin campania
Date: 15th century
1: an expanse of level open country : plain
2archaic : battlefield

Interesting Fact
In 1905, the Popsicle was invented by an eleven-year-old Frank Epperson. Frank Epperson was only 11 years old when he invented the originally named Epsicle. He had left his fruit flavored soda outside on the porch with a stir stick in it. The drink froze to the stick and tasted good. It took 18 more years in 1923 for Epperson to apply for a patent for a "frozen ice on a stick" called the Epsicle ice pop, which his children re-named the Popsicle.

In 1925, Frank Epperson sold his famous Popsicle to the Joe Lowe Company of New York. Good Humor now owns the rights to the Popsicle.
Twin Popsicles (two popsicles sticks together) were invented during the Great Depression.
Popsicle sticks were first made from Birch wood.

Trivial Pursuit
Ready to test your TV acumen?
Here are the questions – 1 point for each correct answer
The category this week is drama:
On “Lost”, what is the airline and flight number of the plane that crashed, marooning Dr. Jack Shepard and Co. on a mysterious island?
Are the following CTU employees on ‘24’ dead or alive?
Bill Buchanan
Edgar Stiles
Milo Pressman
Chloe O’Brian
George Mason
Chase Edmunds
Curtis Manning
Nadia Yassir
Morris O’Brian
Lynn McGill
Which DC comics superhero has yet to appear on ‘Smallville’?
Green Arrow
Black Canary
Green Lantern
Which of the following is a derogatory term often used to refer to Cylons on ‘Battlestar Galactica’?
Hard Drive
Lead Foot
Before being dubbed McSteamy, what nickname was almost given the Dr. Sloan on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’?
What was Catherine Willows’ pre-CSI job?
The Closer’s Brenda Johnson is addicted to…?
Junk Food
On Heroes, what is the name of the front organization The Company uses to monitor, hunt, and even exploit people with special abilities?
Place the Brothers and Sisters siblings in proper birth order (from oldest to youngest)
Match the famous House guest star to his/her ailment:
L.L. Cool J
Cynthia Nixon
Dave Matthews
Mira Sorvino

1. A piano whiz who begins suffering inexplicable seizures
2. A psychiatrist at the South Pole who performs surgery on him/herself
3. A death row inmate who hallucinates
4. A patient who the team believes is faking his/her symptoms

Here are last week’s answers:
Global View (Geography):
What city-state’s residents speak a language called Singlish, a mix of English, Malay and Hokkien? Singapore

What Latino hip-hoppers were well-known for going “insane in the membrane”? Cyprus Hill

What rental company got free publicity in 2000 from endless TV news shots of its van lugging ballots from Miami to Tallahassee? Ryder

Written Word:
What seldom-seen author appears as a character in W.P. Kinsella’s novel, Shoeless Joe? J.D. Salinger

Life & Science: What type of vegetable is the Sharpshooter, the result of crossbreeding prolific El Toro with rot-resistant Montello and mildew-proof Alpha? Lettuce

Games & Sports:
What once-mighty NBA team opened three straight seasons with a 1-12 record, starting in 1999?
Chicago Bulls

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