Monday, June 30, 2008

Word of the Week - 6-30-2008

Word of the Week
Pronunciation: \ˌstuhr-nyuh-ˈtay-shuhn\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English sternutacion, from Latin sternutation-, sternutatio, from sternutare to sneeze, frequentative of sternuere to sneeze; akin to Greek ptarnysthai to sneeze
Date: 15th century
: the act, fact, or noise of sneezing

Interesting Fact
Although the word sherbet has been in the English language for several centuries (it was first recorded in 1603), it has not always referred to what one normally thinks of as sherbet. Sherbet came into English from Ottoman Turkish sherbet or Persian sharbat, both going back to Arabic šarba, “drink.” The Turkish and Persian words referred to a beverage of sweetened, diluted fruit juice that was popular in the Middle East and imitated in Europe. In Europe sherbet eventually came to refer to a carbonated drink. Because the original Middle Eastern drink contained fruit and was often cooled with snow, sherbet was applied to a frozen dessert (first recorded in 1891). It is distinguished slightly from sorbet, which can also mean “a fruit-flavored ice served between courses of a meal.” Sorbet (first recorded in English in 1585) goes back through French (sorbet) and then Italian (sorbetto) to the same Turkish sherbet that gave us sherbet.

Trivial Pursuit
Ready to test your TV acumen?
Here are the questions – 1 point for each correct answer
The category this week is comedy:
Fill in the missing words to these classic Ugly Betty sound bites:
Did you just gesture at me when you said ______________ ?
If this is what it takes to help my father, I will ride that _________ all the way to Mexico.
So this is where the __________ happens.
I’m this close to splitting a ____________ with Sarah Jessica Parker and talking about shoes.
It looks like a _____________ version of ‘Star Trek’.

How much was Earl’s winning lottery ticket worth on My Name is Earl?
$1 million
$5 million
$10 million

What is the name of the hospital where J.D. works on Scrubs?

Which of the following is not a character who has appeared on The Simpsons?
Sideshow Raheem
Rainier Wolfcastle
Nick Riviera
The Capital City Goofball

What is the cure for every ailment in Chris’ house on Everybody Hates Chris?
Chicken Noodle Soup
Fresh Air
Grandma’s Special Concoction

Kevin from The Office’s Police tribute band is called…?
King of Penn(sylvania)
Pennyatta Mondatta
Roxanne Roll

What is the name of Kelsey Grammer’s news anchor on Back to You?
Chuck Champion
Chuck Wagon
Chuck Darling
Chuck Rockwood

Match the Desperate Housewives character with the thing that brought about his/her death
Nora Huntington
Victor Lang
Martha Huber
George Williams
Juanita Solis

1. Stairs
2. Strangulation
3. Fence
4. Sleeping pills
5. Gun

Here are last week’s answers:
The category this week is drama:
On “Lost”, what is the airline and flight number of the plane that crashed, marooning Dr. Jack Shepard and Co. on a mysterious island? Oceanic Flight 815
Are the following CTU employees on ‘24’ dead or alive?
Bill Buchanan - alive
Edgar Stiles - dead
Milo Pressman - dead
Chloe O’Brian - alive
George Mason - dead
Chase Edmunds - alive
Curtis Manning - dead
Nadia Yassir - alive
Morris O’Brian - alive
Lynn McGill - dead
Which DC comics superhero has yet to appear on ‘Smallville’? e.
Green Arrow
Black Canary
Green Lantern
Which of the following is a derogatory term often used to refer to Cylons on ‘Battlestar Galactica’? b.
Hard Drive
Lead Foot
Before being dubbed McSteamy, what nickname was almost given the Dr. Sloan on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’? c.
What was Catherine Willows’ pre-CSI job? Exotic dancer
The Closer’s Brenda Johnson is addicted to…? D.
Junk Food
On Heroes, what is the name of the front organization The Company uses to monitor, hunt, and even exploit people with special abilities? Primatech Paper Company
Place the Brothers and Sisters siblings in proper birth order (from oldest to youngest) c, a, d, e, b
Match the famous House guest star to his/her ailment:
L.L. Cool J - 3
Cynthia Nixon - 4
Dave Matthews - 1
Mira Sorvino - 2

1. A piano whiz who begins suffering inexplicable seizures
2. A psychiatrist at the South Pole who performs surgery on him/herself
3. A death row inmate who hallucinates
4. A patient who the team believes is faking his/her symptoms

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